Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Praying LIfe by Paul Miller

This Book is really good!! people who have not read it, YOU should read it.

A few Quotes that really resonated with me.

"When we stop being ourselves with God, we are no longer in real converastion with God"

"Sometime we try so hard to be good that we aren't real. The result is functional deism, where we are separated from God. The real you doesn't encounter the real God."

"Jesus is real about his fellings, but they don't control him, nor does he try to control God with them. he doesn't use his ability to communicate with his Father as a means of doing his own will."

"Our dislike of asking is rooted in our desire for independence."

"This is what it means to abide --- to include him in every aspect of our lives."

"At the center of selfwill is me, carving a world in my image. At the center of prayer is God, carving me in his Son's image."

"The great struggle of my life is not trying to discern God's will; it is trying to discern and then disown my own."

This is soo ever true. I always have the Word to guild me. It is often time I don't want to give in so try to find some different way. Asking do I have to obey, do I have to wait, do I have to struggle.

"God takes everyone he loves through a desert. It is his cure for our wondering hearts, restlessly searching for a new Eden."

honestly there are too many that to type out so I'll stop here. I might post them later.

The biggest that i really learn are a few things.
1) I don't pray becuase I don't beileve it works. Becuase I think I got it figure out. I think I got it under control. Remembering that I am weak, I don't even have enough power to change my heart.
2) That God wants what is real, my real problem, my real concerns, my real complaints, my real thought, my real struggles, my real joy, my real thankfulness, my real self.
3) That God use suffering and the unknow to make me apart of his story. Teaching me, guilding me, and cureing me.
4) That there is not story better than the Gosple stroy and God has chose to wave me in to his story.

So Yea